Why this blog?

lehelMy name is Eric Bourguignon, I live and work in Munich, where I will for the time candidate for a political election in Germany.

This will be the Munich Local Elections on March 16 2014. 80 „Stadträte“ (communal representatives) will be elected from different political parties. 170000 EU Citizens have the right to vote in Munich for these local elections. You too!

I love Germany, Bavaria and Munich, but no place on earth – or even just in Europe – is a perfect paradise. Here also not. This is why, I candidate on the list of „DIE LINKE„, on place 12.

I wish to implement social innovative left politics, more radical ecologic measures and projects, free of discriminations and cultural prejudices. A vast Programm? Yes, indeed. But left politics are optimistic, while very down-to-earth.

In 2014, French will vote for the same kind of elections on March 23 and 30 2014, therefore I will use that blog to pick-up and compare Programme progressive ideas between Munich and similar cities in France. I will compare theses ideas with our political programm for Munich, and from my personal experience in other German, UK or French cities.

It is a blog in German, French, English and Spanish, because these are the languages I can talk.  Because my German is not perfect, very often you will see: „mit T.“ with translation, „with K.“ with Korrektur.

In my blog, I will also make space during this communal campaign to my comrads, because we have a lot of different competences, and they have different views that mine on the future our Munich.

Some of you will say that it is not a blog because I block comments. Well, first I am very careful, secondly I kindly invite you to come to events organised by Die Linke, where I regularly attend. I will be happy to listen there to your comments and discuss them „live“ with you.

Eric Bourguignon, on the 1st of January 2014.

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